Chataigne_Version 1.9.16 macOS

Chataigne_Version 1.9.16 macOS
Chataigne_Version 1.9.16 macOS
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Chataigne_Version 1.9.16 macOS

Chataigne what ?


Chataigne is a free, open-source software made with one goal in mind : create a common tool for artists, technicians and developers who wish to use technology and synchronize software for shows, interactive installations or prototyping.
It aims to be as simple as possible for basic interactions, but can be easily extended to create complex interactions.
Chataigne is under the GPL3 license, you can find the sources on github


Okay, but what does it do exactly ?

While Chataigne won't do much by itself, its purpose is to be the central hub in a project involving multiple interfaces, software, devices and sensors. You can see it as a Conductor, which will control all the software with the big picture in mind. Chataigne has been designed to fit both linear shows and realtime/interactive project needs.


Supported protocols

osc oscquery midi dmx artnet sacnserial tcp udp http mqtt websocketpjlink abletonlink posistagenet

Supported software

resolume madmapper millumin qlab vlc heavymdlight reaper live powerpoint watchout augmenta

Supported hardware

sound mic keyboard mouse wiimote joyconkinect gamepad joystick streamdeck loupedeck gpio

Community modules

leapmotion eos obs xtouch launchkey ds100atem flowtoys lighttoys vpt8 lightshark m32

Seems cool, tell me more !

You can check the tutorials to better understand what and how you can use Chataigne for your projects.

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==> Chủ đề: Phần Mềm Âm Thanh - Phần Mềm Trình Chiếu - Phần Mềm Kỹ Thuật Màn Hình Led (led screen)

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